General questions

How to use Vespia?
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To verify a legal entity, open your dashboard, choose ‘Verify business’, type in the company name and choose its country of origin. If you can't find a company by name only, add its registration code.

Where does the information about the companies and people come from?
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The information about the companies comes in real-time from over 4000 Anti-Money Laundering lists (PEP, Sanctions) and commercial registers of 300 jurisdictions connected to Vespia.

We make sure to always provide fresh data straight from the official source.

How many countries does Vespia cover?
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Currently, we cover 300 jurisdictions.

What is the average verification speed?
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The average speed of the verification process is under 30 seconds and we always provide real-time data.

For some regions, it may take a few business days as this is how they operate.  

For all jurisdictions you can also request original incorporation documents.

Do you provide a risk score of the company?
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This feature is coming soon! Currently, we provide live data from commercial registers and business databases, and original incorporation documents.

What AML checks do you perform?
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With Vespia, you can discover politically exposed persons (PEP), their relatives, and close associates (RCA) as well as sanctioned organizations, organizations of special interest (SIP), and special interest entities (SIE).

Additionally you can check global negative news (Adverse Media) and conduct a Google search on any person or company.

How do you store the data?
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Vespia stores the data using Amazon Web Services. KYC data storing is done by our verified and GDPR compliant partners.

How can I be sure that your results are fresh, correct and not tampered with?
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Security is very important to us. That is why we timestamp and show the original source of every datapoint. You can get all the raw data about every verification.


What kind of information does Vespia provide?
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Vespia provides a report that includes the following information:

- General information: address, incorporation date, status, industry, etc.;
- Connected entities: board members, directors, secretaries, founders, shareholders, Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBOs);
- PEP, RCA, SIP, SIE, Sanctions, Adverse Media;
- ID verification;
- Original incorporation documents.

How to check a company from China and Hong Kong?
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China and Hong Kong are presented as two separate jurisdictions and they should be checked separately.

How to check a USA company?
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To check a legal entity from the USA, you should enter the company’s name and/or its registration code, then choose ‘United States of America’ as the country and find the state the company is based in. After that, you can proceed and obtain the report.

How to send an invitation for identity verification?
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1. Choose the person you want to send the identity verification link to.
2. Type in their email address.
3. The person will receive an identity verification link that will redirect them into the identity verification flow.
4. All the results will be displayed under your verification case.

Identity verification
What if I need more information about a company?
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You can always request more information through the chat inside the Vespia Dashboard or let us know at

Note that this service is part of the Pro Plan. To upgrade to this plan, please book a call with our experts or contact us at

Original documents requests

What incorporation documents are available on corporate entities?
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Each country has its general list of available incorporation documents. Some of the most popular document requests include: articles of association, financial statement, list of shareholders, original commercial register extract.

How long does it take to receive the requested incorporation documents?
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It depends on the jurisdiction and may take from 30 seconds to 5 business days. Our support will always let you know in advance, if it will take a few business days.

Can I receive company documents in English?
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Yes, if the country provides documents in English. As many countries don’t provide documents in this language, certified translation of documents is coming soon!


How to send the Legal Entity Verification Questionnaire?
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If you want to obtain more information on a particular legal entity, just ask the company directly using the Vespia Legal Entity Verification Questionnaire. You will find the questionnaire option inside every verification under the Questionnaire tab. Just click the  ‘ADD QUESTIONNAIRE’ button, enter the company’s representative email address and proceed with the request. Once the receiver fills all required fields, you will see all the details inside your verification.

Can I customize the questionnaires?
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You sure can! Please join our Pro plan by contacting us at and get a Pro plan offer.


What is the price for verification?
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We offer a Pro Plan that includes verifications, API integration, SDK solutions, white label and customization.

To upgrade to this plan, please book a call with our experts or contact us at

How can I pay for your service?
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We accept card payments (Visa, Master Card, American Express) and offer other invoicing options for Pro plan users.  


Do you have an API?
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If you are interested in the API solution, feel free to explore the API documentation here.


Who do I contact if I have more questions?
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Our support team is available Mon-Fri 9:00 to 17:00 EEST via live chat option or email address Write to us and we will assist you with any questions or concerns.

How can I try Vespia?
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Easy! Get a free demo and talk details, let us know here.