Adverse Media Screening Tool

Adverse Media Screening Tool: Stay Ahead of Reputational Risks

Guard Your Organization's Integrity with Vespia’s Advanced Negative News Screening


Automate Your Negative News Screening and Adverse Media Monitoring

Struggling with clicking through hundreds of links to find the correct information? Automate Negative News Screening and Adverse Media Monitoring, saving you time and ensuring you stay informed and compliant.

Thousands of Sources of Media

Access and analyze thousands of media sources globally, ensuring comprehensive coverage of potential risks.

Rule-Based or AI Filtering

Choose between rule-based or AI-driven filtering to make assessments easier, more accurate, and tailored to your specific needs.

Monitoring and Alerts

Continuous monitoring with timely alerts keeps you informed of any negative news that may impact your organization.

KYB Check Monitoring

Stay ahead with real-time KYB Check updates. Be the first to know if there are any changes in the businesses you're monitoring.

What our users think

Vespia has made it easy to find out who you’re dealing with, no matter where they are established in the world. All the information you need to know is just a few clicks away.

Anna Pauliina Aavik​​

Lawyer, Tele2 Estonia

The most exciting thing about working with Vespia is enabling us to verify over 1200 business customers operating in more than 100 different countries in no time.

Syed Haider

KYC Lead, Eurora

Vespia is bringing KYB and KYC into the modern world. With their help, we make sure that our compliance team fills in the data gap in a user-friendly way to simplify the process of staying AML compliant and please the regulators.

Sophie Burrows

Investor Relations & Communications Manager, Clearbell

Why Choose Vespia Business Verification Service?


Comprehensive Negative News Screening

Our tool scans a wide array of sources, ensuring that no negative news affecting your organization goes unnoticed.


Real-Time Adverse Media Monitoring

Stay ahead with real-time adverse media monitoring, providing instant insights and validation for potential risks.


Intelligent Alerts

Customize alerts to your specific needs, minimizing false positives and focusing on what truly matters.

Discover the Full Features of Vespia’s Negative News Screening Solution

Book a demo today to see how Vespia's Adverse Media Screening tool can revolutionize your financial surveillance process.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is adverse media?

Adverse media refers to negative news or information published in various media sources that could potentially harm an organization's reputation or compliance standing. It can include anything from criminal activities and financial troubles to regulatory breaches associated with individuals or entities.

What is the adverse media screening process?

The adverse media screening process involves continuously monitoring and analyzing various media sources, including newspapers, websites, blogs, and social media, to identify negative news or information. This process helps organizations detect potential risks early, allowing for proactive measures to mitigate damage and maintain compliance.

How can I start using the Vespia Negative News Screening solution?

Starting with Vespia's AML solution is easy. Simply sign up, choose the package that fits your needs, and start Adverse Media Monitoring today! If you have special requirements or need to handle large volumes, our sales team is ready to create a custom approach tailored to your business. Contact us to discuss your unique needs.