API documentation


General information

There are two environments for working with Vespia API: Development and Production.
Development environment dedicated to supporting the development of your application. It uses two endpoints for additional security measures - one for authentication and the other for data exchange.
The production environment, as the name says, is for using Vespia API on the production.
To switch from Development to production, you must change endpoints and repeat the SignIn step from authentication to get a new access token.
All requests to this API must contain the authorization token:
1Authorization: Bearer $token
In this documentation, we are using the Development environment in the examples.
You can test data exchange API using the ApolloGraphQL client using this link. Alternatively, you can use Postman for tests. In this case, please make sure you use GraphQL Explorer to test the API, more details on how to use GraphQL with Postman: https://blog.postman.com/announcing-postmans-new-graphql-client/


To access the data exchange endpoint (https://dev-api.vespia.io/my/graphql) you must send the access token in the Authorization header of each request.
Access token and its update
  • Start with registering in the system. For development purposes, please create an account at https://dev-my.vespia.io/sign-up. Remember your login email and password.
  • To receive the access token, you should use the signIn mutation in GraphQL or HTTP request way.
  • When you switch from the Development to the Production environment, please use your account created at https://my.vespia.io/sign-up
Operation example
1Authorization: Bearer $token
Variables example
2 "input": {
3   "email": "john@example.com",
4   "password": "E4Wd9Rdos-wij+$38weEE"
5 }
Operation example
2  "data": {
3    "refreshTokenPair": {
4      "refreshToken": "refresh-session:f82ec32d-e0c9-4846-8b64-8ca2d76514d1",
5      "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhY2NvdW50SWQiOiIwZGI
6      4MTY1NS04OTNlLTRjZjUtYTMzOS0yMjM1YjY1YTE3NjkiLCJlbWFpbCI6ImFsb3ppbnNre
7      UBtZS5jb20iLCJpc0FkbWluIjpmYWxzZSwiYWNjb3VudEdyb3VwcyI6W10sImlhdCI6MTcwNzkyNz
8      M2MywiZXhwIjoxNzA4NTI3MzYzfQ.27w7yo496JwQshA3MyHQ37OyeGdE3yR0XCg2047CDAQ"
9    }
10  }
Object types and field descriptions.
Object type Field Description
SignInInput email : String Account email
password : String Account password
refreshTokenPair refreshToken : String Use its value as an argument in the refreshTokenPair mutation
token : String Use its value as the access token in the Authorization header of each request
For security reasons, the access token expires within 10 minutes. After that time, you have to refresh it using the refreshTokenPair mutation.
Operation example
1mutation refreshTokenPair ($input: RefreshTokenPairInput!) {
2 refreshTokenPair(input: $input) {
3   refreshToken
4   token
5 }
Variables example
2 "input": {
3   "email": "john@example.com",
4   "password": "E4Wd9Rdos-wij+$38weEE"
5 }
Object types and field descriptions
Object type Field Description
RefreshTokenPairInput refreshToken : String RefreshToken value from previous refreshTokenPair or signIn request, depending on which was the latest
refreshTokenPair refreshToken : String Use its value as an argument in the refreshTokenPair mutation
token : String Use its value as the access token in the Authorization header of each request
The built-in playground is a user interface that allows developers to interact with the authentication-related queries and mutations of a GraphQL API. It displays all available queries and mutations, along with the parameters that can be passed and the data that is returned. This makes it easy to test and debug authentication-related code and see the results in real-time.
All available queries and mutations with arguments and returned fields can be viewed by following this link or by pressing the Expand button in the sandbox.

Verification procedure

Fast and slow countries

Countries are divided into fast and slow. For fast countries, business information is available immediately; for slow countries, processing time depends of jurisdiction and takes from 15 minutes to 24 hours on average.
To get information about entities from fast countries, you should use requestKybVerification and requestKycVerification mutations.
For slow countries and when you need more information, use RequestEntityChecks mutation.
To determine which country is fast or slow, use the countries query.
Operation example
1query Countries {
2 countries {
3   code
4   name
5   isVatAvailable
6   isBusinessAvailable
7   isDocumentAvailable
8   isUboAvailable
9   isDemo
10 }
Response example
2 "data": {
3   "countries": [
4     {
5       "code": "UK",
6       "name": "United Kingdom",
7       "isVatAvailable": false,
8       "isBusinessAvailable": true,
9       "isDocumentAvailable": false,
10       "isUboAvailable": false,
11       "isDemo": true
12     },
13     {
14       "code": "ID",
15       "name": "Indonesia",
16       "isVatAvailable": false,
17       "isBusinessAvailable": false,
18       "isDocumentAvailable": false,
19       "isUboAvailable": false,
20       "isDemo": false
21     },
Object types and field descriptions
Object type Field Description
Country code : ID! The country's two-symbol Code
name : String! The country name
isBusinessAvailable : Boolean! true if the country is fast
isVatAvailable : Boolean! true if the VAT number available
isUboAvailable : Boolean! true if UBO information available
isDocumentAvailable : Boolean! true if company registration documents are available. the isBusinessAvailable field is false and isDocumentAvailable is true, then the country is slow.
isDemo : Boolean! true if the country is available in the Demo environment

KYB verification (Business)

To perform business verification (KYB), you must start with the requestKybVerification mutation. It returns an array of EntityCheck objects
Operation example
1mutation RequestKybVerification($input: RequestKybVerificationInput!) {
2 requestKybVerification(input: $input) {
3   id
4   type
5   status
6   result
7   dataRequestInfo
8   dataRequestId
9   folderId
10   comment
11   input
12   createdAt
13   updatedAt
14   expiredAt
15   account {
16     id
17     groupId
18   }
19 }
Variables example
2 "input": {
3   "countryCode": "EE",
4   "name": "Vespia",
5   "registrationCode": "EE102360253",
6   "kybResponseId": null
7 }
Response example
2 "data": {
3   "requestKybVerification": [
4     {
5       "id": "09130a7e-a06c-4256-a83e-390431ffb294",
6       "type": "BUSINESS_INFO",
7       "status": "AWAITING_CHECK",
8       "result": null,
9       "dataRequestInfo": null,
10       "dataRequestId": "32689c3b-3bf3-483f-9825-44d4961d8cbb",
11       "folderId": "21831f3d-ca25-44a0-9096-f77d34340d1f",
12       "comment": null,
13       "input": {
14         "name": "Vespia",
15         "countryCode": "EE",
16         "registrationCode": "EE102360253",
17         "account": {
18           "accountId": "0db81655-893e-4cf5-a339-2235b65a1769"
19         },
20         "folderId": "21831f3d-ca25-44a0-9096-f77d34340d1f",
21         "isCorporate": true
22       },
23       "createdAt": "2024-02-18T10:51:30.320Z",
24       "updatedAt": "2024-02-18T10:51:30.320Z",
25       "expiredAt": null,
26       "account": {
27         "id": "0db81655-893e-4cf5-a339-2235b65a1769",
28         "groupId": null
29       }
30     },
31     {
32       "id": "584779fd-908e-4ff3-9c74-c4fa7b7014dd",
33       "type": "UBO",
34       "status": "AWAITING_CHECK",
35       "result": null,
36       "dataRequestInfo": null,
37       "dataRequestId": "7afd17cb-99b3-4c07-bd16-3838e8d9366c",
38       "folderId": "21831f3d-ca25-44a0-9096-f77d34340d1f",
39       "comment": null,
40       "input": {
41         "name": "Vespia",
42         "countryCode": "EE",
43         "registrationCode": "EE102360253",
44         "account": {
45           "accountId": "0db81655-893e-4cf5-a339-2235b65a1769"
46         },
47         "folderId": "21831f3d-ca25-44a0-9096-f77d34340d1f",
48         "isCorporate": true
49       },
50       "createdAt": "2024-02-18T10:51:30.320Z",
51       "updatedAt": "2024-02-18T10:51:30.320Z",
52       "expiredAt": null,
53       "account": {
54         "id": "0db81655-893e-4cf5-a339-2235b65a1769",
55         "groupId": null
56       }
57     },
58     {
59       "id": "fd5f3a0a-f8a8-42db-afcc-916c1bd5dcf9",
60       "type": "VAT",
61       "status": "AWAITING_CHECK",
62       "result": null,
63       "dataRequestInfo": null,
64       "dataRequestId": "eaa13b12-d577-4d71-8df7-70b366420407",
65       "folderId": "21831f3d-ca25-44a0-9096-f77d34340d1f",
66       "comment": null,
67       "input": {
68         "countryCode": "EE",
69         "name": "Vespia"
70       },
71       "createdAt": "2024-02-18T10:51:30.320Z",
72       "updatedAt": "2024-02-18T10:51:30.320Z",
73       "expiredAt": null,
74       "account": {
75         "id": "0db81655-893e-4cf5-a339-2235b65a1769",
76         "groupId": null
77       }
78     }
79   ]
80 }
Object types and field descriptions
Object type Field Description
RequestKybVerificationInput name : String Entity name. Can be a partial name. Should contain at least one symbol.
registrationCode : String! Entity registration number.
countryCode : String! Country code of the entity. You can get the complete list by using the Countries query.
EntityCheck id : ID! The UUID of the check.
type : String The type of check performed. See details below.
status : String The status of the check.
result : JSON The result of the verification in JSON format.
dataRequestId : UUID The UUID of the data request.
dataRequestInfo : JSON Additional information about the data request in JSON format.
folderId : String The folder ID of the check.
comment : String The check comment
input : JSON The input provided for the check, JSON format.
input: {isCorporate : Boolean} Determines what type of entity checked: legal entity (true) or private person (false)
createdAt : DateTime The date and time when the check was initiated.
updatedAt : DateTime The date and time when the check was last updated.
expiredAt : DateTime The date and time when the check will expire
account : AccountDTO The account of the check owner.

KYC verification (Person)

To perform customer verification (KYC), you must start with the requestKycVerification mutation. It returns an array of EntityCheck objects
Operation example
2 "input": {
3   "country": "UK",
4   "gender": "male",
5   "kind": "ID",
6   "name": [
7     "Boris",
8     "Johnson"
9   ],
10   "dob": "June 19, 1964",
11   "email": "boris.johnson@example.com"
12 }
Variables example
2 "data": {
3   "requestKycVerification": [
4     {
5       "id": "90b75ea3-0bc6-4f80-a633-6bf79c01616a",
6       "type": "ID",
7       "status": "AWAITING_CHECK",
8       "result": null,
9       "dataRequestInfo": null,
10       "dataRequestId": "d3c56dbf-4d52-4b97-b75c-a3fb59bee3cd",
11       "folderId": "878e1dae-6601-4f76-a33d-376fb0136929",
12       "comment": null,
13       "input": {
14         "sendEmailNotification": true,
15         "name": "Boris Johnson",
16         "email": "boris.johnson@example.com",
17         "dob": "June 19, 1964",
18         "gender": "male",
19         "country": "UK",
20         "account": {
21           "accountId": "0db81655-893e-4cf5-a339-2235b65a1769"
22         },
23         "folderId": "878e1dae-6601-4f76-a33d-376fb0136929",
24         "isCorporate": false
25       },
26       "createdAt": "2024-02-18T13:35:34.137Z",
27       "updatedAt": "2024-02-18T13:35:34.137Z",
28       "expiredAt": null,
29       "account": {
30         "id": "0db81655-893e-4cf5-a339-2235b65a1769",
31         "groupId": null
32       }
33     }
34   ]
35 }
Object types and field descriptions
Object type Field Description
RequestKycVerificationInput _amlBindingId : String
name : [String]! The name of the entity. ['first name', 'middle name', 'last name'] or ['name']
kind : RequestKycVerificationKind! The kind of verification to be performed. This field is required, and it can be one of the following: "ID", "AML", or "BOTH": ID: Perform identity verification only. AML: Perform AML and Google Search checks only. BOTH: Perform identity, AML, and Google Search checks.
country : String The country of the entity. Is necessary for kind = AML.
dob : String The date of birth of the entity. Is necessary for kind = AML.
email : String The email of the entity. Mandatory if kind = "ID" or "BOTH". Otherwise, the ID check will not start.
gender : String The gender of the entity. Is necessary for kind = AML.
EntityCheck type : String The type of check performed. See details below.
dataRequestInfo : JSON Additional information about the data request in JSON format.
folderId : String The folder ID of the check.
comment : String The check comment
input : JSON The input provided for the check, JSON format.
input: {isCorporate : Boolean} Determines what type of entity checked: legal entity (true) or private person (false)
createdAt : DateTime The date and time when the check was initiated.
updatedAt : DateTime The date and time when the check was last updated.
expiredAt : DateTime The date and time when the check will expire
account : AccountDTO The account of the check owner.

More information about checks

To get more information about every check from the array EntityCheck, use the query Folder with the correspondent value of folderId as the argument. In this context, a folder should be considered a global entity that contains all the information about your verification.

When all entity checks are completed in a Folder, the status field in the response to the query Folder should be Completed. Accordingly, you will be able to find the results of all checks, such as AML, in the response.

When you make a folder request, the response contains one of the fields, which is called entities, it contains an array. Entities are all persons and companies that belong to the company you are checking. Accordingly, in this array of entities, each entity contains entityChecks, these are checks that you performed on the entity, for example, AML or ID.
Operation example
1query Folder($folderId: UUID!) {
2  folder(id: $folderId) {
3    id
4    name
5    subCustomerEmail
6    account {
7      id
8      email
9      createdAt
10      updatedAt
11      profile
12      accountGroups {
13        id
14        name
15        domain
16        isProPlan
17        isAmlMonitoringAvailable
18        isRiskScoringAvailable
19      }
20    }
21    metadata
22    isKyc
23    isArchived
24    rootEntityId
25    status
26    entities {
27      id
28      info
29      idMonitoring
30      dataRequestInfo
31      createdBy
32      entityChecks {
33        id
34        type
35        status
36        result
37        dataRequestInfo
38        dataRequestId
39        folderId
40        comment
41        input
42        createdAt
43        updatedAt
44        expiredAt
45        createdBy
46      }
47      createdAt
48      updatedAt
49    }
50    createdAt
51    updatedAt
53      id
54      createdAt
55      body
58      name
59    }
60    folderOnboardingLink
61  }
Variables example
2  "folderId": "7aafc693-c27f-4dd6-a5d1-93fe30f4f8fd"
Object types and field descriptions
Object type Field Description
Folder id : ID The UUID of the folder.
account : Account The account of the check owner.
assets : [AssetView]! An array of added assets.
comments : [Comment]! An array of comments to the folder.
createdAt : DateTime
entities : [Entity] An array of Entity objects related to the folder.
isArchived : Boolean A Boolean indicating whether the folder was archived or not.
isKyc : Boolean A Boolean indicates whether the folder is KYC verifications or not.
metadata : JSON Additional metadata in JSON format.
name : String The name of the folder.
rootEntityId : UUID The UUID of the root entity in the folder.
status : String The status of the folder.
subCustomerEmail : String
updatedAt : DateTime
folderOnboardingLink : String The URL is manually generated in the Dashboard for onboarding. The URL is generated only once and does not change again.
AssetView id : ID! The UUID of the asset.
label : String A label of the asset.
name : String A name of the asset.
createdAt : DateTime
file : File A file details (extension, path, URL).
Comment id : String
name : String Subject of the comment.
author : AccountPreview The comment author account details (email, group, isAdmin).
body : String The comment itself.
createdAt : String
Entity id : ID! The UUID of the entity.
info : JSON The entity information.
idMonitoring : Boolean A Boolean indicating whether the monitoring for the entity switched on {true} or off {false}.
entityChecks : [EntityCheck] An array of EntityCheck objects associated with the entity.
createdAt : DateTime
updatedAt : DateTime
relation : [Relation] An array of Relation objects associated with the entity. Stores data in JSON format.
comments : [Comment]! An array of comments to the entity.

Entity checks

To apply additional checks for entities from fast countries or to proceed with checks for entities from slow countries, you must use the requestEntityChecks mutation that takes the RequestEntityCheckInput scalar type as argument. For more details, look at the explanation in the Variables example part.
How to get entity check results, for example for AML:
1. When you perform an AML entityCheck, you get a verification ID
2. When there is an update in the verification, the webhook provides your verification ID. Webhooks are described in the section Real-time updates (Webhook)
3. You take this ID and query Folder data by ID.
Operation example
1mutation RequestEntityChecks($input: RequestEntityCheckInput!) {
2 requestEntityChecks(input: $input) {
3   id
4   status
5   result
6   dataRequestInfo
7   dataRequestId
8   folderId
9   comment
10   input
11   createdAt
12   updatedAt
13   expiredAt
14   type
15   account {
16     id
17     groupId
18   }
19 }
Variables example
2"input": [
3  {"type": "BUSINESS_INFO",
4   "folderId": "21831f3d-ca25-44a0-9096-f77d34340d1f",
5   "isCorporate": true,
6   "input": {
7     "countryCode": "EE",
8     "name": "Vespia",
9     "registrationCode": "EE102360253"}
10  },
11  {"type": "AML",
12   "entityId": "88e9540e-9e96-419d-9e8f-9670e2a80fd3",
13   "isCorporate": false,
14   "input": {
15     "name": ["Boris", null, "Johnson"],
16     "dob": "06/14/1946",
17     "gender": "male",
18     "country": "UK"}
19  }]}
To pass correctly formatted scalar RequestEntityCheckInput! you must use an array containing elements that include
2 "type": string!,
3 "folderId": string!,
4 "entityId": string!?,
5 "isCorporate": boolean?,
6 "input": {depends on the type value, see table below}!,
Use the following pairs of corresponding “type” and “input” as arguments
“type” value (mandatory) “input” arguments (mandatory) Description
"name": string,
"registrationCode": string,
"countryCode": string
Business check of the company
"name": string[],
"gender"?: string (male or female),
"dob"?: string,
"country"?: string
AML check of the company or person.
The name property must be an array containing three elements, where the first element is the first name, the second is the middle name, and the third is the surname. If there is no middle name, the second element in the array must be specified as null.
ID {
"name": string,
"email": string,
"sendEmailNotification": boolean
ID check of the person that will be sent to the specified mail
"email": string,
"sendEmailNotification": boolean
Questionnaire which will be sent to the specified mail. You must use "entityId" as an argument with this type.
"documents": string[],
"requestDescription"?: string,
"filler"?: {
"email"?: string
"sendEmailNotification": boolean
Request additional documents. You must use "entityId" as an argument with this type.
"countryCode": string,
"name": string
VAT check of the company
"name": string[]
Find AML data of a person or company using Google search engine
"additionalInfo": string
You must use "entityId" as an argument with this type.
metadata : JSON Additional metadata in JSON format.
name : String The name of the folder.
rootEntityId : UUID The UUID of the root entity in the folder.
status : String The status of the folder.
subCustomerEmail : String
updatedAt : DateTime
AssetView id : ID! The UUID of the asset.
label : String A label of the asset.
name : String A name of the asset.
createdAt : DateTime
file : File A file details (extension, path, URL).
Comment id : String
name : String Subject of the comment.
author : AccountPreview The comment author account details (email, group, isAdmin).
body : String The comment itself.
createdAt : String
Entity id : ID! The UUID of the entity.
info : JSON The entity information.
idMonitoring : Boolean A Boolean indicating whether the monitoring for the entity switched on {true} or off {false}.
entityChecks : [EntityCheck] An array of EntityCheck objects associated with the entity.
createdAt : DateTime
updatedAt : DateTime
relation : [Relation] An array of Relation objects associated with the entity. Stores data in JSON format.
comments : [Comment]! An array of comments to the entity.
Response example
2 "data": {
3   "requestEntityChecks": [
4     {
5       "id": "abacba50-61e5-4e18-8cc8-da17419c9dcd",
6       "status": "AWAITING_CHECK",
7       "result": null,
8       "dataRequestInfo": null,
9       "dataRequestId": "f261fd1e-8a26-41bb-b70e-5aeefd11b7f5",
10       "folderId": "21831f3d-ca25-44a0-9096-f77d34340d1f",
11       "comment": null,
12       "input": {
13         "name": "Vespia",
14         "countryCode": "EE",
15         "registrationCode": "EE102360253",
16         "account": {
17           "accountId": "0db81655-893e-4cf5-a339-2235b65a1769"
18         },
19         "folderId": "21831f3d-ca25-44a0-9096-f77d34340d1f",
20         "isCorporate": true
21       },
22       "createdAt": "2024-02-23T11:58:29.382Z",
23       "updatedAt": "2024-02-23T11:58:29.382Z",
24       "expiredAt": null,
25       "type": "BUSINESS_INFO",
26       "account": {
27         "id": "0db81655-893e-4cf5-a339-2235b65a1769",
28         "groupId": null
29       }
30     },
31     {
32       "id": "c3a22e14-4cdc-41a9-9856-a8a45fe70f85",
33       "status": "AWAITING_CHECK",
34       "result": null,
35       "dataRequestInfo": null,
36       "dataRequestId": "3abe9135-de87-42c3-ae5c-db93db592dd8",
37       "folderId": "21831f3d-ca25-44a0-9096-f77d34340d1f",
38       "comment": null,
39       "input": {
40         "isCorporate": false,
41         "name": "Boris Johnson",
42         "gender": "male",
43         "dob": "June 19, 1964",
44         "country": "UK"
45       },
46       "createdAt": "2024-02-23T11:58:29.382Z",
47       "updatedAt": "2024-02-23T11:58:29.382Z",
48       "expiredAt": null,
49       "type": "AML",
50       "account": {
51         "id": "0db81655-893e-4cf5-a339-2235b65a1769",
52         "groupId": null
53       }
54     }
55   ]
56 }

AML Monitoring

To enable AML monitoring use mutation EnableEntityCheckMonitoring with enableEntityCheckMonitoringId argument corresponding to the entity check with "type": "AML"
To disable AML monitoring, use mutation disableEntityCheckMonitoring using the same argument

Page queries

In some cases, you will need pagination and filtering of data. To do so, use input: PagedQueryInput type. Below is an example query to get a list of your verifications i.e. Folders.
Operation example
1query Folders($input: PagedQueryInput) {
2  folders(input: $input) {
3    content {
4      id
5      isKyc
6      name
7    }
8    totalPages
9    totalElements
10    last
11    first
12    size
13    number
14    numberOfElements
15  }
Variables example
2 "input": {
3   "pageRequest": {
4     "page": 2,
5     "size": 10,
6     "sort": [
7       {
8         "direction": "ASC",
9         "field": "Id"
10       }
11     ]
12   },
13   "filter": [
14     {
15       "comparators": [
16         {
17           "field": "isActive",
18           "type": "IS",
19           "value": "true"
20         }
21       ],
22       "operator": "AND"
23     }
24   ]
25 }
Response example
2  "data": {
3    "folders": {
4      "content": [
5        {
6          "id": "08e7b3d9-6eeb-4f39-8844-52f15664f160",
7          "isKyc": false,
8          "name": "Vespia OÜ"
9        },
10        {
11          "id": "e68c6e98-753e-45ed-a91d-4c71d85720b1",
12          "isKyc": false,
13          "name": "Vespia OÜ"
14        },
15        {
16          "id": "ef9104bf-f12e-44b9-bb82-8a190b7dfe9c",
17          "isKyc": false,
18          "name": "Vespia OÜ"
19        },
20        {
21          "id": "75ba70cd-6327-46d5-a509-e1c2b321bd14",
22          "isKyc": false,
23          "name": "Vespia OÜ"
24        },
25        {
26          "id": "273eceba-90b6-427a-9d45-da9984d578a9",
27          "isKyc": false,
28          "name": "Vespia OÜ"
29        }
30      ],
31      "totalPages": 63,
32      "totalElements": 313,
33      "last": false,
34      "first": true,
35      "size": 5,
36      "number": 1,
37      "numberOfElements": 5
38    }
39  }
Input structure, types, and field descriptions
Object type Field Description
pageRequest : PageRequestInput page : Int The page number of the pagination
size : Int The number of items per page
sort : [SortInput!] sort field defines sorting rules
SortInput direction : SortDirection Enum, the sort direction, which can be either "ASC" or "DESC"
field : String The field to sort by
filter : [FilterInput] operator : FilterOperator Enum, the filter operator, which can be either "AND" or "OR"
comparators : [FilterComparatorInput] Defines separate comparator
FilterComparatorInput field : String The field to filter by
type : FilterComparatorType Enum type = {IS, IS_NOT, EQ, NEQ, GT, GTE, LT, LTE, LIKE, NOT_LIKE, I_LIKE, NOT_I_LIKE, IN, NOT_IN, BETWEEN}
value : AnyValue Custom scalar type that represents any type of value. It can be interpreted as a string, number, or boolean. The input allows for a flexible and powerful way to query data from a server, enabling you to retrieve the data you need with the desired pagination and filtering options.
rootEntityId : UUID The UUID of the root entity in the folder.
status : String The status of the folder.
subCustomerEmail : String
updatedAt : DateTime
AssetView id : ID! The UUID of the asset.
label : String A label of the asset.
name : String A name of the asset.
createdAt : DateTime
file : File A file details (extension, path, URL).
Comment id : String
name : String Subject of the comment.
author : AccountPreview The comment author account details (email, group, isAdmin).
body : String The comment itself.
createdAt : String
Entity id : ID! The UUID of the entity.
info : JSON The entity information.
idMonitoring : Boolean A Boolean indicating whether the monitoring for the entity switched on {true} or off {false}.
entityChecks : [EntityCheck] An array of EntityCheck objects associated with the entity.
createdAt : DateTime
updatedAt : DateTime
relation : [Relation] An array of Relation objects associated with the entity. Stores data in JSON format.
comments : [Comment]! An array of comments to the entity.

Subscription for real-time information updates (Webhook)

To get access to real-time information updates, we use webhooks. To start using it, you must create a subscription and link it with specific events. This flow is shown in the diagram above.
Please note that you only need to create a subscription once. You do not need to create multiple subscriptions. After creating a subscription as shown below, all the necessary data will be sent to your URL, when events occur.
Below is a three-step process (with a sample query and sample input parameters) that will help you subscribe to an event and use the subscription in your project. For example, you can track changes that occur in your checks in a dashboard, and the example below demonstrates this:
1. Let's get the list of events - query Events. You need to get the event "id" with the name "event.verificationView.built" from the response:
Operation example
1query Events($input: PagedQueryInput!) {
2  events(input: $input) {
3    content {
4      id
5      name
6      createdAt
7      updatedAt
8    }
9  }
Variables example
2  "input": {
3    "pageRequest": {
4      "page": 1,
5      "size": 10,
6      "sort": []
7    }
8  }
Output example
2  "data": {
3    "events": {
4      "content": [
5        {
6          "id": "af6918ac-2322-4aba-9341-19e711609289",
7          "name": "event.order.created",
8          "createdAt": "2022-05-17T06:51:45.317Z",
9          "updatedAt": "2022-05-17T06:51:45.317Z"
10        },
11        {
12          "id": "060756a2-0843-404f-96de-7ff48933ed16",
13          "name": "event.verificationView.built",
14          "createdAt": "2022-05-17T06:51:45.317Z",
15          "updatedAt": "2022-05-17T06:51:45.317Z"
16        },
17        {
18          "id": "766f5720-b995-4dfd-95c2-0e4e5d20a03a",
19          "name": "event.wallet.updated",
20          "createdAt": "2022-05-17T06:51:45.317Z",
21          "updatedAt": "2022-05-17T06:51:45.317Z"
22        }
23      ]
24    }
25  }
2. Create subscription - mutation CreateWebhookSubscription. By default, the subscription is activated immediately after creation.

You need to pass your URL as an input parameter, to which our server will automatically send HTTP POST requests.

From the response, you need to get the "id" of the createWebhookSubscription.
Operation example
1mutation CreateWebhookSubscription($input: CreateWebhookSubscriptionInput!) {
2  createWebhookSubscription(input: $input) {
3    id
4    url
5    isActive
6    events {
7      id
8      name
9      createdAt
10      updatedAt
11    }
12    createdAt
13    updatedAt
14  }
Variables example
2  "input": {
3    "url": "https://yourdomain.com/webhook-endpoint"
4  }
Output example
2  "data": {
3    "createWebhookSubscription": {
4      "id": "9e3a7978-1040-49c3-979f-6485986779f2",
5      "url": "https://vespia-webhook-url.com",
6      "isActive": true,
7      "events": [],
8      "createdAt": "2025-01-02T14:31:17.299Z",
9      "updatedAt": "2025-01-02T14:31:17.299Z"
10    }
11  }
3. In the input parameters, we specify both identifiers obtained in the first and second steps, which we assign to the property names accordingly - "eventId" and "subscriptionId"
Operation example
1mutation SubscribeOnEvent($input: SubscribeOnEventInput!) {
2  subscribeOnEvent(input: $input) {
3    id
4    url
5    isActive
6    events {
7      id
8      name
9      createdAt
10      updatedAt
11    }
12  }
Variables example
2  "input": {
3    "subscriptionId": "9e3a7978-1040-49c3-979f-6485986779f2",
4    "eventId": "060756a2-0843-404f-96de-7ff48933ed16"
5  }
Example of deactivating a subscription
In the input parameter, you must pass the subscription "id" that was created earlier in the first step.
Operation example
1mutation DeactivateWebhookSubscription($deactivateWebhookSubscriptionId: UUID!) {
2  deactivateWebhookSubscription(id: $deactivateWebhookSubscriptionId) {
3    id
4    url
5    isActive
6    events {
7      id
8      name
9      createdAt
10      updatedAt
11    }
12    createdAt
13    updatedAt
14  }
Variables example
2  "deactivateWebhookSubscriptionId": "0a68dc26-1afb-4dd1-ba64-3a196321cf41"
There are 3 events available currently:
  • event.order.created - fires when a new order is created.
  • event.verificationView.built - fires when there are updates in the folder.
  • event.wallet.updated - fires when the wallet is updated
  • To get an actual list of events and their IDs use query Events
There are 3 events To manage subscriptions, use the following mutations:
The mutation name Description Description
CreateWebhookSubscription(input: CreateWebhookSubscriptionInput!): WebhookSubscription! Used to create a subscription. The required input is the URL where the webhook will send the request. The returned output is the newly created webhook subscription WebhookSubscription object. The page number of the pagination
ActivateWebhookSubscription( activateWebhookSubscriptionId: UUID!): WebhookSubscription! Used to activate an existing webhook subscription. The required input is the UUID of the subscription that needs to be activated. The returned output is the activated webhook subscription WebhookSubscription object. Please note that you can Activate only subscriptions with "isActive": false The number of items per page
DeactivateWebhookSubscription( deactivateWebhookSubscriptionId: UUID!): WebhookSubscription! Used to deactivate an existing webhook subscription. The required input is the UUID of the subscription that needs to be deactivated. The returned output is the deactivated webhook subscription WebhookSubscription object. Please note that you can Deactivate only subscriptions with "isActive": true sort field defines sorting rules
SortInput direction : SortDirection Enum, the sort direction, which can be either "ASC" or "DESC"
field : String The field to sort by
filter : [FilterInput] operator : FilterOperator Enum, the filter operator, which can be either "AND" or "OR"
comparators : [FilterComparatorInput] Defines separate comparator
FilterComparatorInput field : String The field to filter by
type : FilterComparatorType Enum type = {IS, IS_NOT, EQ, NEQ, GT, GTE, LT, LTE, LIKE, NOT_LIKE, I_LIKE, NOT_I_LIKE, IN, NOT_IN, BETWEEN}
value : AnyValue Custom scalar type that represents any type of value. It can be interpreted as a string, number, or boolean. The input allows for a flexible and powerful way to query data from a server, enabling you to retrieve the data you need with the desired pagination and filtering options.
rootEntityId : UUID The UUID of the root entity in the folder.
status : String The status of the folder.
subCustomerEmail : String
updatedAt : DateTime
AssetView id : ID! The UUID of the asset.
label : String A label of the asset.
name : String A name of the asset.
createdAt : DateTime
file : File A file details (extension, path, URL).
Comment id : String
name : String Subject of the comment.
author : AccountPreview The comment author account details (email, group, isAdmin).
body : String The comment itself.
createdAt : String
Entity id : ID! The UUID of the entity.
info : JSON The entity information.
idMonitoring : Boolean A Boolean indicating whether the monitoring for the entity switched on {true} or off {false}.
entityChecks : [EntityCheck] An array of EntityCheck objects associated with the entity.
createdAt : DateTime
updatedAt : DateTime
relation : [Relation] An array of Relation objects associated with the entity. Stores data in JSON format.
comments : [Comment]! An array of comments to the entity.