AI AML Risk Assessment

Automate and Streamline with AML Risk Assessment Solution

AI-driven AML Risk templates and automated AML risk management to make sure you are compliant 24/7.


From Manual Analysis to AI-Powered Insight

Tired of sifting through AML data manually? Vespia's AI Risk Assessment Software automates the process, highlighting risks and providing actionable guidance. Embrace a smarter, faster approach to AML risk management.

Automatic Risk Scoring

Streamline your processes with automated risk scoring and labeling, ensuring every potential threat is identified and categorized efficiently.

Hybrid Rule-Based & AI Approach

Customize your risk management with our flexible platform. Input your own risk matrix and let our system combine traditional rule-based methods with advanced AI for a comprehensive analysis.

Compliance-Ready Templates

With ready-to-use KYB and AML templates, our software ensures you're always in line with regulatory requirements, making compliance straightforward and hassle-free.

What our users think

Vespia has made it easy to find out who you’re dealing with, no matter where they are established in the world. All the information you need to know is just a few clicks away.

Anna Pauliina Aavik​​

Lawyer, Tele2 Estonia

The most exciting thing about working with Vespia is enabling us to verify over 1200 business customers operating in more than 100 different countries in no time.

Syed Haider

KYC Lead, Eurora

Vespia is bringing KYB and KYC into the modern world. With their help, we make sure that our compliance team fills in the data gap in a user-friendly way to simplify the process of staying AML compliant and please the regulators.

Sophie Burrows

Investor Relations & Communications Manager, Clearbell

Why Choose Vespia AML Risk Assessment Software?


Precision & Efficiency

Our software combines the best of both worlds - traditional rule-based methods and cutting-edge AI. This ensures accurate risk assessments while significantly reducing the time and effort required.


Customizable to Your Needs

Whether it's inputting your own risk matrix or leveraging our KYB and AML templates, Vespia's platform is designed to adapt to your specific requirements, ensuring a tailored risk management approach.


Stay Ahead of Compliance

In the ever-evolving landscape of financial regulations, our software keeps you one step ahead. Automated updates, risk scoring, and labeling ensure you're always compliant, safeguarding your operations from potential pitfalls.

Transform AML Risk Management with Vespia

Book a demo today to see how Vespia's AI AML Risk Assessment can revolutionize your risk management process.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is AML Risk Assessment?

AML Risk Assessment is the process of identifying, evaluating, and understanding the potential money laundering and terrorist financing risks associated with a customer or a set of transactions.

How does AI enhance risk assessment?

AI can analyze vast amounts of data at high speeds, identify patterns, and adapt to new information. This means it can quickly pinpoint potential risks and provide more accurate assessments compared to traditional methods.

Why is proactive AML risk management essential?

Proactive AML risk management helps institutions anticipate and mitigate potential threats, ensuring compliance, protecting their reputation, and avoiding hefty penalties.

How can I start using the Vespia AML Risk Assessment Solution?

Starting with Vespia AI Risk Assessment Solution is easy. Simply sign up, choose the package that fits your needs, and start AML Risk Assessment today! If you have special requirements or need to handle large volumes, our sales team is ready to create a custom approach tailored to your business. Contact us to discuss your unique needs.