Automate Screening & Monitoring with an AML Compliance Solution

Manage customers from anywhere 24/7 with access to robust global data that keeps your processes efficient, accurate, and compliant.
Automate Screening & Monitoring with an AML Compliance Solution
icebraker  and Vespia
Tele2 and Vespia
Keyrails and Vespia
Ellex Raidla  and Vespia
e-residency  and Vespia
Run Accurate Assessments with Robust Databases

Detect AML Risks with Global Databases

Access 4,000+ databases in 190+ countries to accurately assess customer risks throughout the screening and monitoring process.
Detect suspicious transactions using Vespia
Stay On Top of Compliance Regulations Effortlessly

Stay Compliant with Urgent Notifications

AI-powered technology notifies you of risks, compliance updates, and provides actionable guidance for regulations worldwide.
Stay Informed with Ongoing Monitoring

What our customers say about Vespia

Vespia client Tele2
Vespia has made it easy to find out who you’re dealing with, no matter where they are established in the world. All the information you need to know is just a few clicks away.
Anna Pauliina Aavik
Anna Pauliina Aavik​​
Lawyer, Tele2 Estonia
Vespia client Clearbell
Vespia is bringing KYB and KYC into the modern world. With their help, we make sure that our compliance team fills in the data gap in a user-friendly way to simplify the process of staying AML compliant and please the regulators.
Sophie Burrows
Sophie Burrows
Investor Relations & CM, Clearbell
Kemit Kingdom SA Logo
Our experience with Vespia has been extraordinarily positive. Apart from their technological excellence and commitment to compliance, what truly sets them apart is the unparalleled support from their technical team.
Jean-Jacques Elong
CEO at Kemit Kingdom SA

How Does Vespia’s AML Compliance Solution Work?

A combination of KYB, KYC, and AML data are sorted and analyzed to ensure compliance with every transaction.
Business Data and UBO Discovery
AML Screening
Identity Verification
Onboarding Flow
Automatic Risk scoring
Real-time Monitoring
Reporting and audit trail
Business Data and UBO Discovery

Access Global Data on Business and Ownership

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    Scan commercially registered information in 30 seconds from over 300 jurisdictions.
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    Determine the legitimacy of businesses with original documents identifying UBOs, shareholders, directors, and more.
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    Monitor UBOs and stay updated with real-time alerts on changes in structures.
Enter the Business Name  and Country.
AML Screening and Monitoring

Automate AML Screening and Monitoring

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    Every entity’s data is automatically screened for PEP, sanctions, and adverse media against 4,000+ lists.
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    Get notified with alerts and detailed reports on highlighted risk analysis and scoring while monitoring.
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    Avoid false positives with Vespia's smart filtering feature.
Perform an automatic AML screening and Monitoring
Identity Verification

Verify Partners, Company Founders, and UBOs

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    Conduct regular KYC checks on limited partners, company founders, and UBOs.
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    Scan over 7,000 document types from more than 190 countries and territories.
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    Ensure users are legitimate with Live Detection, which asks them to complete a quick task on camera.
Easily Perform KYC on Company Founders and UBOs
Onboarding Flow

Simplify Standard Onboarding Flows

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    Work with KYB and KYC templates for your jurisdiction.
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    Customize steps, logic, and AML questions to suit varying risk levels and business requirements.
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    Gather information easily with technology that fills grey areas across 300+ jurisdictions.
Replace lengthy AML questionnaires with Vespia’s Onboarding Flow
Automatic Risk scoring

Conduct Risk Scoring with Advanced Technology

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    Input your preferred risk matrix and rules, and let Vespia handle the rest.
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    Detect risks with technology that tracks major blockchains and assets.
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    Get guided compliance recommendations to enhance your AML compliance procedures with Julia AI.
Automatic Risk Scoring with AI
Transaction Monitoring

Run KYB, KYC, and AML Monitoring for Real-Time Alerts

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    Automated KYB monitoring checks on businesses and partners and notifies you of significant changes.
  • Check icon
    Conduct daily AML monitoring with PEP, sanction, and adverse media reviews.
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    Stay updated on KYC protocols with notifications on document validity.
Run KYB, KYC, and AML Monitoring for Timely Alerts
Reporting and audit trail

Access Reporting and Audit Trails

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    Detailed PDF reports.
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    Machine-readable reports.
  • Check icon
    Full audit trail for regulatory compliance.
Access Reporting and Audit Trails

Core features

Sanctions Screening

Stay on top of global regulations by checking customers against comprehensive sanctions lists

PEP Screening

Identify politically exposed persons with PEP screening that helps you manage and mitigate risks efficiently

Adverse Media Screening

Conduct real-time media monitoring to protect your business from potential threats

Smart filtering

Minimize false positives with only relevant alerts that enhance the efficiency of your processes

AI Compliance Officer

Get notified on risks and changes to compliance regulations with real-time alerts

Official Document Sources

Verify the legitimacy of submitted documents with access to over 7,000 document types from official sources in 190+ countries

Real-Time Data

Unlock registered business information for 300+ jurisdictions

Unified Data Format

Access real-time  data for 80% of our  jurisdiction databases

Compliance Audit Trail

Conduct comprehensive screening with data from 4,000 lists for PEP,  sanctions, and adverse media

AML Monitoring

Conduct ongoing monitoring with risk matrix analytics and scoring

Automated Alerts

Get real-time alerts and reports on highlighted risks

Automated Risk Scoring

Advanced technology allows you to assess business risks easily with a customizable matrix and rules

Seamless Integration

Easily integrate Vespia API into your existing system or admin CRM

Real-Time Data Reviews

Access real-time  data for 80% of our  jurisdiction databases

Compliance Audit Trail

Streamline record-keeping with ready-to-present audit logs and trails for regulators

Integrate with Vespia API and SDK

No need to sacrifice your existing flow. Vespia is universally compatible.
1// RequestKybVerificationInput mutation
3mutation Mutation($input: RequestKybVerificationInput!) {
4  requestKybVerification(input: $input) {
5    id
6  }
10  "input": {
11    "name": "company_name",
12    "registrationCode": "registration_code",
13    "countryCode": "country_code"
14  }
1Authorization: Bearer $token
Easily integrate Vespia API into your existing system or admin CRM.

Vespia Web SDK offers a ready onboarding flow with multiple templates.
Julia Ront Vespia CEO

Automate Your AML Compliance Today

Stay 100% AML compliant with just one click.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is AML?
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AML (Anti-money laundering) refers to the laws and regulations that prevent financial crimes like money laundering and terrorist financing. AML compliance is crucial for financial institutions and fintech and crypto companies as this can ensure safety in financial transactions to support the business’s integrity and build customer’s trust.

What is AML screening?
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AML screening conducts a series of required checks that determine a customer’s risk of involvement with money laundering activities. This includes verifying identities and effectively cross-checking their information against watchlists.

What is AML monitoring?
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AML monitoring is involved with monitoring all of a customer’s transactions from purchases to transfers. It is meant to identify and flag suspicious activity that could indicate involvement with money laundering and other illicit activities.

What is an AML check?
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An AML check involves screening an individual or company’s provided information against a number of reputable databases. Cross-checking Sanctions Lists, Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) lists, Relative and Close Associates (RCA) lists, adverse media, and even Google searches. Results from an AML check can influence the risk evaluation in determining the risks that are associated with the entity.

How is Vespia’s AML Compliance different from others?
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Vespia’s AML Compliance Software covers all your bases from start to finish. You can automate screening and monitoring with flexible risk assessment options you can choose from. Customer information is then checked against a robust global database that minimizes the chance of false positives. This means you can put your AML check on autopilot while you focus on your business.